How to Lower Your Water Heater Bills This Winter

Water Heater Bills

Nothing is more soothing than a hot bath on a freezing cold day. In a typical household, water heating accounts for approximately 18 percent of energy consumption, which makes a big impact on your utility bill. To help you reduce your water heating costs this winter, a tankless cold climate water heater installer shares the following tips:

  • Take shorter showers. Taking a bath or showering contributes to the largest percentage of hot water consumption in your home. By simply reducing your shower sessions by a few minutes, you can cut back on water heating costs quite a bit.
  • Run only full dishwasher and laundry loads. You want to make sure you’re making the best use of your hot water every single time. To commit to this goal, you should wait until your dishwasher and washing machine are fully loaded before running them. This tip will not only help you save on energy bills annually, but will also minimize your carbon footprint.
  • Turn off the water heater when you’re away. Any time you go on vacation, it’s best to turn off your water heater, along with other heating and cooling devices. According to trusted plumbers, turning off the heating source while you’re away won’t damage your water heater.
  • Insulate the water heater. Consider insulating your water heater to prevent heat loss. Doing this can help you achieve four to nine percent in energy savings.
  • Install low-flow fixtures. Low-flow faucets and showerheads make use of flow restrictors to reduce the flow rate of the water, resulting in as much as a 60 percent reduction in water usage.

McLay Services, Inc. can provide you long-term solutions to an outdoor tankless water heater freezing or other HVAC-related problem. Just give our team a call at (909) 392-2202 or fill out our contact form to schedule a service appointment. We work with the residents of La Verne and surrounding areas.