Plumbing Issues to Watch Out for in the Winter

Plumbing Issues

Winter is the time of the year where all you want to do is stay warm and cozy indoors. However, before you sit back and relax, be sure to maintain and prepare your plumbing system for the colder months. If you experience issues with this part of your house, make sure to contact a professional plumber right away.

This winter, make certain to watch out for these common plumbing issues:

Frozen pipes. The most common plumbing problem homeowners encounter in the winter is frozen pipes. Be sure to contact a professional immediately if this occurs because frozen pipes can come with serious, expensive consequences. Within minutes, a pipe that bursts can cause thousands of dollars in damage. To prevent this, cover your pipes with specially-designed pipe insulation.

Frozen tankless water heater. Your outdoor tankless water heater freezing is another issue you don’t want to experience. While it is heating equipment, it can still freeze if your home loses power. You can avoid this issue by draining your tankless water heater. If you live in a cold climate, be sure to drain this equipment if you’re going to be away for an extended period of time.

Outdoor drain damage. Fallen leaves and other debris can accumulate near or around your outdoor drain. Once the drain is clogged, it won’t be able to drain water effectively. After it rains or snow falls, standing water in the drain can freeze. As a result, the pipe may suffer damage, which can contribute to basement flooding and a compromised foundation.

During the winter, your heating system exerts more effort, meaning it’s more prone to breakdowns. At McLay Services, Inc., you can count on us to take care of your HVAC equipment. If you have questions about HVAC repairs and installing a tankless water heater in a cold climate, don’t hesitate to reach out to us! Call us at (909) 392-2202 or fill out our contact form to get an estimate. We work with clients around La Verne, CA.