How to Optimize Your HVAC System to Get the Best Night’s Sleep Possible

A good night’s sleep can do wonders for the health of you and your family, but many people struggle to get in a full eight hours. Some resort to utilizing various kinds of lighting or taking sleeping pills to to address this problem. Your local HVAC company, McLay Services Inc, can do more than just fix issues such as outdoor tankless water heater freezing. In this blog, we share how to optimize your HVAC system to ensure a good night’s sleep.

Set the Room Temperature a Few Degrees Lower

Your body temperature will naturally drop lower as you prepare to go to sleep. Setting the room’s temperature a few degrees lower as well can help make it easier for you to fall asleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, setting the bedroom temperature between 60 and 67 degrees is best for this purpose.

If your family follows set routines throughout the week, consider upgrading to a programmable thermostat. The most basic ones can be programmed to repeat a 24-hour cycle, which means you can set it so that it lowers the room temperature at bedtime, adjusts it back before you wake up and reduces its output when you’re away from the house. More advanced thermostats can even be programmed for different weekday-weekend configurations. The upgrade process is fairly simple, and installation can be done quickly with the help of your local plumber and HVAC company.

Control the Room’s Humidity Level

Many people overlook relative indoor humidity levels in relation to bedroom comfort, but this is a major factor in helping you get a good night’s sleep. Humidity levels are usually high during the summer, which makes the air feel wet and muggy. The reverse is true during winter, when the air becomes so dry that it can cause a  dry, itchy throat and scaly skin. To maintain good relative indoor humidity levels and avoid the discomfort caused by humidity extremes, have a humidifier/dehumidifier system installed in your home.

Use Your Ceiling Fan

Your bedroom’s ceiling fan helps keep air currents flowing in the room. In addition to helping you cool down at night, it also helps reduce required output from your HVAC system. This can aid you in saving on cooling costs while maintaining comfort at night.

Call McLay for Your Heating and Cooling Needs

Have you been looking online for a cold climate tankless water heater or a new HVAC system? If so, call McLay at (909) 392-2202 or fill out our contact form. We serve customers in La Verne and nearby.