What Is Whole Home Performance?

If you have been searching for a way to decrease your energy bills and have a positive impact on the environment, then Whole Home Performance is for you. Improving the energy efficiency in your home helps to decrease harmful greenhouse gas emissions and also reduces the nation’s dependence on expensive energy imports. In addition, HVAC efficiency upgrades and other upgrades help support job creation in America.

What is Whole Home Performance?

Whole Home Performance is a specific evaluation for your home that helps to find and repair the causes of domestic energy waste. This will help you to reduce the amount of your monthly energy bills, as well as increase the comfort of your home for you, your family, your guests, and your pets. It can also increase the value of your home.

A Whole Home Performance technician will come to your home to help determine where your home is wasting energy. These contractors are trained to not only find the issues, but to help repair them as well. They are trained to perform a full range of home improvements to help your home use less energy, such as installing insulation, upgrades to the furnace and air conditioner, and energy-efficient lighting and appliances.

What does Whole Home Performance Cost?

The cost of the evaluation, repairs, and upgrades can vary depending on the age and condition of your home and what upgrades or repairs are needed. You can tailor what you have done to your own budget. However, there are rebates available and this is an investment into the value of your home. Many customers see their investments back within a year or two of completion based on decreased energy bills. Considering that most homes in America waste about 20 to 40 percent of the energy consumed, and that this waste equates to wasted dollars as well, the savings from a Home Performance eval and action plan can be significant.

A contractor can explain more about this evaluation and what your options are for financing and rebates. Call a HVAC Whole Home Performance contractor to get started saving money and energy today.